Hydro Kinetic Power

Thermal Analysis Using CFD
“Sigma Design Company has in-depth knowledge of industry.. They are current in the design tools available for analysis and have the personnel that understand the design tool’s capabilities. This total package makes Sigma Design Company a valuable resource.” Senior Design Engineer – Filtration Manufacturer
Sigma Design engineers are experts at using advanced engineering analysis tools to redefine new products and systems. We have decades of proven experience in engineering problem solving and design optimization using thermal, structural stress, complex fluid flow, motion, and fatigue analysis software.
Sigma Design Company will help reduce your risk and allow you to investigate new and innovative design solutions in an iterative and rapid fashion.
Advanced Engineering Analysis:
- Provides insight and lets you better understand your product and its limitations.
- Enables visualization of actual deflections, stress levels, heat transfer and fluid flow profiles in parts and assemblies that may have been ignored in the past.
- Helps you uncover non-obvious and sometimes counter intuitive design flaws early and fix them.
Sigma Design’s experience includes:
- Developing complex geometry and specialty mechanisms since 1999.
- Design/build specialty machinery and systems.
- Specialists in advanced engineering analysis (FEA and CFD) including stress, flow and heat transfer analysis.
Download related Advanced Engineering Analysis Brochure